On-line sejak: Tentang perusahaan: WIT (World of Investment Technologies) adalah penyedia layanan broker, dengan keahlian dalam pengembangan solusi teknikal untuk proyek investasi. Perusahaan tersebut didirikan oleh sekelompok trader ahli pada 2014. Broker tersebut bekerja sama dengan sejumlah raksasa finansial seperti CitiBank, Deutsche Bank, Nomura, CurreneX, dan Hermes. Klien WIT memperoleh sejumlah keuntungan, seperti eksekusi perintah instan, sejumlah besar instrumen trading, komisi dan spread yang rendah. Broker tersebut menyediakan akses pada 46 pasang mata uang, 4 jenis logam, dan CFD kepada kliennya. Trading dilakukan melalui platform MetaTrader 4. Selain itu, setiap investor yang memutuskan untuk melakukan trading bersama WIT dapat berpartisipasi dalam beragam kampanye dan kontes yang diadakan oleh broker tersebut dan memenangkan hadiah besar. Klien perusahaan tersebut dapat menggunakan materi edukasi gratis atau mencoba melakukan trading menggunakan akun demo. Ulasan analisis yang berharga oleh trader profesional WIT, ahli-ahli terkemuka dunia, dan pembentuk pasar memberikan dasar yang mantap bagi trader untuk membuat keputusan trading mereka sendiri. Pada situs web broker tersebut, investor dapat menemukan dukungan informasi yang efisien seperti artikel terbaru mengenai analisis fundamental, berita makroekonomi, dan ulasan bursa saham. Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai trading dengan WIT dengan membaca umpan balik dari trader asli di halaman ini atau tinggalkan komentar.
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![]() ![]() I can deal with WIT Broker confidently by an EA. There has many futures and nice service. I got the fastest execution on the Mt4 platform too. Also. I have found all major market news, and technical analysis from their experts on the platform too. So WIT Broker is the best option for me trading in the market. I am satisfied with their payment service. Overall I say, WIT is a perfect Broker.
I have been trading with WIT broker for 8 months. In the beginning, everything was working perfectly. But lately, I have faced several issues during my trading. Their trading platform gets delayed when executing my order, the system down a few times, also the spreads get so high during news, and one thing I know, they have different prices as in the real market. I never faced those issues before, but now I don't want to continue trading with them.
I feel very comfortable to trade with WIT. I am very much pleased with their execution pace and how fast they process my withdrawal request. I withdrew my funds including all my profit and the funds arrived the one hour. I highly recommend this broker to professional traders because no hidden information, no hidden fees and charges, skilled support, etc.
I started trading at WIT a few months ago. I am not very pleased with how their platform is working because it often freezes and there are tremendous glitches in the account balance. The company said that they would fix it but nothing really changed.
This brokers were very nasty. They provide bad service and never give a bonus. They very underhanded, they persuaded traders to enter the contest, but the prize was never awarded to the winner. I can say because it was of my own experience. I've won one contest, but the prize was never awarded. They are such a cheater, and I often encountered slippage when I tried to exit profitable trades. It's impossible to make profits with them. I closed my account at this broker, will never trust them anymore. Stay away from this broker.
I receive daily analysis on the Wit of expert by email and that helps me get more knowledge in trading. I recommend this broker to all traders, especially new traders. I started with this broker a year ago, and I made a deposit with $350. It’s so amazing, I earned profit with $200 just in 1 week.
I've been with them since 2016 and found no suspicious trading activities. Most of my orders were placed except news time. My withdrawal requests were processed in a timely manner except the Wire transfer which requires few days of waiting. The payment system that I've been using is the Perfect, the system fee is reasonable. I got profit $570 at that time, and I’m so happy with this amount. 3 days ago, I made a request of withdrawal with $500, and I just waited 4 hours to receive money.i will keep going to trade with WIT Broker.
Trading at World of Investment Technologies is not only profitable but also motivating. They provide a good trading environment which allows their traders to have a great trading experience and positive results. Their commission fees and spreads are low compared with other brokers. They also have campaigns and contest in which the traders could participate in. I've joined in one of their contests but unfortunately did not win. Nonetheless, it was fun and I got to practice my trading skills.
Wit's system gives you flexibility to trade anywhere in the internet access and if you are a casual trader, their minimum account is just $100 and it is perfect for me who was still newbie in forex trading so I shouldn't have to deposit too big and will not worry for big loss too. And I like them too because I got a bonus from them for my trading modal. Withdrawal process is stable and I get funds is reasonably quick. I recommended Wit for your trading activity.
I started to trade with WIT with a standard account and a deposit of $2000. The platform MetaTrader 4 works fast in execution with the real time quotes. I never got delays neither re-quotes. I trade with them EUR/USD and GBP/USD, Gold. I always have the strategy to not risk more then 5% of my account. I had two times positive slippage of amount +$98 from 6 orders. Their support team is helpful and nice.
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